Wednesday, September 24, 2014

Curry Leaves Chutney

Indian food - South-indian food, to be specific, is characterised by the presence of Curry leaves in the tempering. When this is so common, yet a chutney?

Well, the list of the benefits of curry leaves are endless. Just to name a few, Curry leaves can keep iron levels high, fights Diabetes, protects you from liver damage.

This chutney is anyway too yummy to be given a miss. Its simple to make and is an Andhra special. Spicy, tangy, healthy, all in one! This chutney stays well for about 2 weeks when stored in the refrigerator.


Cumin - 1/2 tsp
The Ingredients for the Chutney

Corainder Seeds - 2 tsp
Curry leaves - 1 - 1 1/2 cups
Dry red chillies - 25
Tamarind - about the size of a lemon
Garlic - 15 cloves
Oil - 1/2 cup
Salt to taste

For the tempering
Musrard seeds - 1/2 tsp
Curry leaves - 8-10
Garlic cloves


Roasted Ingredients
  1.  Roast the Cumin, corainder, dry red chillies, and 2 only cloves of garlic in a few drops of oil. The rest of the garlic will be used in the tempering. Ensure that garlic is browned well. 
  2. Roast the curry leaves very well. 
  3. Take all the roasted ingredients in a mixer jar, add the tamarind, salt and grind all of this into a fine paste. Use 1/2 a cup of water. It shouldnt become too runny.
  4. Heat oil in a heavy round bottomed pan. Add the mustard seeds. After they sputter, add the curry leaves and the rest of the garlic cloves. Saute this well. 
  5. Add the blended curry leaves paste to this and saute it really well for about 15 minutes. If youwish to preserve for longer, add some more oil and saute for a little longer. 
  6. That's it! The chutney is ready! 

Preserve in a clean, air tight bottle. 

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